Saturday 16 July 2016

Why Wear a Mala - What's it's Purpose

Everything you are destined to be is already hidden within you, everything you long for, every achievement you dream of and every wish you've ever repeated to yourself are what you already are - so what's they need for anything, right, we just need to acknowledge it - and we're done! 


Well.... we all feel at some point that we need a little help, a little nudge in the right direction (almost daily) and it's for this reason we seek something to help remind us of our eternal quest - to find out who we truly are, and live our purpose in life. It is hard to remain connected to purpose when so many obligations, frustrations and commitments fill each and every moment. We have so many tools and skills that help us operate in the outer world, but do we really spend enough on reminding ourselves to journey inward, and take care of this temple and soul we've been blessed to carry. In building a new home for example this might take the form of factoring an extra room just for meditation, yoga and other spiritual practices - a sacred space. In going on a holiday it might mean visiting some places of significance to elders and wise ones, however amidst our daily life, when we need it most we often neglect to carry a reminder of what we are 'really' here to achieve, that knowledge of self.


In India gracing the dashboard of almost every car you'll see the form a some deity, often Ganesha or Lakshmi, walking into almost any shop look up and you'll see some sort of lucky charm and in each home there is always something significant like Shri Yantra to bring positive energy and repeal the bad. Guests are mostly asked to remove their footwear as a sign of respect and sanctity, in other words their requested to leave behind whatever has stuck to your shoes - energetically as much as physically. All these things are actually a humble request to always remain present - and not to take whats past for granted or what's coming as assumed, it's a constant request for help, guidance and support. Each moment is an opportunity and these simple reminders help to keep that in context. 


Considering all of this it's even more significant to wear/use something as a daily and moment to moment reminder of the truth we are striving to become (albeit innerly), and what we are really here to know; 'who am I'. In the chaos of our day this is the point we forget time and time again, and yet it's the whole purpose we are here, on this planet. And on some level we know it, just take a reminder not to forget it.

A Mala is not only a reminder, it's a sanctified and charged vehicle of higher consciousness. It's not until you wear one you can truly appreciate how sacred it is and how much it does help to keep the mind connected with truth. offers beautiful and sanctified Mala's at Yoga in Daily Life Brisbane. Learn More about this ancient practice of using beads. 

Mala Beads and Crystal Jewellery for everyday
Unique and Modern Crystal & Rudraksha Malas to wear everyday
created for

Healing gemstones and sacred Rudraksha

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Shree Alakhpuriji is Light and Blessing for the World, His Source - The Holy and Majestically Divine Himalayan Mountains beyond Badrinath

The land around Alakhpuriji’s Gufa (cave), about a 12km walk from Badrinath is nothing short of exceptional. There are mountain peaks every direction I can see, the peaks so high it’s beyond imagination and each one an impossible climb to the top. There are stories of people walking through these mountains, often met by some disaster, meeting their fate walking to the peaks. 

Looking up it’s unfathomable to consider walking, one can only admire and appreciate the absolute majesty and grace of what they offer, and how, in this part of the world these gracious mountain have grown like no-where else. Truly looking around 360 degrees all I can see are peaks that seem to reach the sky. 

the foothills of the Himalayan peaks, looking like the seven sapta rishis the Alakpuri mountains stand as a backdrop to eternity the steps of Lord Vishnu are immortalised here at Charan Paduka

At night these mountains light up in a kind of magical lightening display that flashes around with different colours - blues and pinks most often. We camped here, and on the first night there were a few clouds so I thought these lights were a sign of some storm, but the second night when the same thing happened without any clouds, only clear open sky it was testimony to the magic of being here. 

There were many, many mysterious things happening, many of us witnessed them and we all felt Alakhpuriji’s divine light and presence. I asked Vishwaguruji one evening if there were many saints, great rishis and wise men and women that came here to meditate and left their bodies; I had the feeing of this exceptional presence that had remained, his answer was Yes  ‘not only did they leave but many remained in the Karan Sarira, their light body’, or in other words the are still here. Over the years Vishwaguruji has mentioned that several saints still live from ages back in their light body and they are whom keep the balance of the earth, they are what stops the negative powers from overtaking. To hear the words and to experience that truth is something all together different. 

Here at the base of the Alakpuri mountains and at the source of Alakhnanda river meditation is simply the state of being. I had to remember to take pictures and to remember the necessary things to do for the day. Fortunately we dediced to fast for the three days we camped here, so there was no need to cook, no need to clean, and somehow that was a very great decision, that our minds could be occupied in the peace and divinity of the place not the day to day necessities. 

Sitting in blissful Himalayan meditation by Lakshmi Van is Swami Shivjyoti

Sometimes of course in the cold we were a little hungry, but we were also told about certain flowers that when you eat you don't get hungry or thirsty. Such flowers and herbs when there are available keep you for months, weeks, or days without any hunger or thirst or feeling that you lack oxygen, which at such a high altitude can often be a problem. Thus the whole nature seems to support meditation, introspection and realising the source of our existence beyond all kinds of obligations and limitations we normally experience daily. 

To be here is to experience oneself. To spend the night out here, or few nights is to be one with the source, and you don't have to try to experience that, it is, it is the very existence that surrounds you and permeates through you. 

the Dhuni, the cold, the Blessing, The Master, a perfect combination

It’s not easy to come here but it’s worth every struggle, this is the source of our spiritual lineage; the place Alakhpuriji still resides in his light body. He passed on the siddhis, knowledge and wisdom to Shri Devpuriji here, who in turn passed on the knowledge, light and blessing to Shri Mahaprabhuji and from him to to Holy Guruji who has passed it all in it’s entirety onto our Vishwaguruji who is giving the same blessing and opportunity to all of us. 

Vishwaguruji while here, was quiet, He didn't say very much but did indicate that he was experiencing certain phenomena. One night while sitting in Alakhpuriji’s cave, after prayer He just said ‘we are very fortunate to be here and now it’s our duty to take this light of Shree Alakhpuriji through the world’. 

the abode of Shree Alakhpuriji

If it’s so then it’s only through his grace, but the experience and truth and light is definitely something I wish to share and encourage all to experience. 

Swami Shivjyoti Puri 

Shri deep Narayan Bhagwan Kijay
Deveshwar Mahadev Kijay
Madhavkrishna Bhagwan Kijay 
Om Shree Alakhpurij Mahadev Bhagwan Kijay
Satgurudev Bhagwan Kijay

Sat Sanathan Dharma Kijay    

Saturday 14 May 2016

The Kumbha Mela Experience

To try and explain the Kumbha Mela is more than an impossible task, it’s simply not possible, but what does transpire here over the month will elevate and awaken the consciousness of everyone who comes here in some way, profound or subtle. And these impressions will last a lifetime. 

The Kumbha Mela experience is an incredible journey through sights and sounds of what spirituality means to a myriad of people. The vastness of what can be experienced here is phenomenal, at the very least we can let go of our judgements that only one way is the right way, because this place and this time will prove it wrong. India is a land of contrasts and the people are no exception, there are no rules. It’s faith that brings us all here, to merge with an even greater energy that is particularly available at this time in this place, it’s why over 15 million people will converge throughout the month making it, and every Kumbha Mela the largest gathering on earth.

There are countless Saints, Guru’s and rare Spiritual Masters here for the Kumbha Mela that all open their camps for people to come and meet them, the atmosphere is divinely welcoming, almost as if your expected, and there are many opportunities to gather in their presence and just experience, despite the noise, Supreme Peace.  

In our camp, Yoga in Daily Life teachers and students from around the world have come to be with Vishwaguruji, we have a large open space and simple comfortable accommodation. Each day brings new experiences and different programs, one never quite knows what to expect. Yet there is a sense of fullness and richness to everything that happens, something more, each event has ‘spirituality’ at its essence, and unlike tourism or sightseeing these days offer deeply profound opportunities through which we can transform ourselves.These are ‘holy days’ rather than holidays.

Bathing in the holy river Shipra at this time has a tremendous effect, revered in mythology as purifying all karma that would otherwise hold one back from experiencing the state of universal love, freedom and oneness - Self Realisation. So it’s not for nothing millions of people come here, moreover the Masters and Guru’s who otherwise hold tight schedules, for this short time everyone in the spiritual world of Sanathan Dharma is here, in some form or other. And so we bathe, not only though in the river Shipra, but in the spiritual bliss that here to be experienced. 


Wednesday 4 May 2016

Yoga holds the possibility to change the state of the World.

Peace begins within ones own heart, to see peace in our world first we must discover that it’s source is within each one of us, and that each and every one of our thoughts manifests in someway at some time, according to the law of karma we reap what we sow. So the first step to changing the world is to change ourself. 

Through regular Yoga Sadhana we awaken the energy centres within the body that store and produce all the negative and positive experiences in life. In order to master ourselves we must first master these energy centres, which means to understand them. Each chakra has it’s own  tendencies and capacities. All emotional turmoil, anger, resentment, guilt and fear can be released through the yogic techniques, which, when practiced correctly and with awareness and proper instruction can lead us to transcend any afflictions, either physical or mental, leading us to experience more positive feelings in our daily life.  

Through the practice of meditation we can finally move beyond pain and suffering, we learn how to understand others and develop the ability to see things from their perspective. We experience calmness, compassion, serenity and gratitude. Through meditation we ultimately look within and there we discover all the answers for which we have been searching. 

So through Yoga exercises we release the impressions of stored emotions, gather fresh energy, heal the body and improve all it’s functions, and by meditating on the Anahata (heart) chakra we can awaken compassion and humility, allowing us to curb the impulses of anger, fear and depression.

A healthy person creates a happy family, a happy family means a happy society, a happy society leads to a happy nation and in this way Yoga contributes one person at a time, towards world peace, sustainability, and importantly our inner freedom.

Taken from Lecture excerpts and teachings of Vishwaguruji Maheshwarananda

Wednesday 2 March 2016

SHIVARATRI - The auspicious opportunity for all bhaktas of Shiva



Shivaratri is the festival or celebration of completeness, when we as bhaktas or devotees of the truth have an opportunity to merge our individual consciousness into that supreme universal consciousness. 

The energy available on the night of Shivaratri is like a gateway to experiencing the reality or ultimate realisation of who we are, why we are here, where we are going and what our purpose is here on this earth. Though in order to realise this and have the personal experience of knowing our truth, connection with the source of all, it’s necessary to prepare. We do this through fasting on the day of Shivaratri and keeping our thoughts pure and actions humble, and dedicate our mind to Shiva who represents universal consciousness through the practice of meditation. 

In the period of days or weeks leading up to the celebration we should meditate every day on Shiva and ask for the blessing to clear away all the debris that we’ve accumulated throughout the past year. All the little resentments, hurts and pains that we've been holding onto. All of that has become our negative thinking, and it gets in the way of experiencing the true bliss and understanding of our own true nature. 

The purpose of Shivaratri celebration and the reason we come together to meditate and seek the blessings of Mahadev (Lord Shiva), is in part due to the particularly powerful constellation whereby the energy of Shiva is more available for us to imbibe, absorb and help us transcend to a higher level of awareness. The energy of Shiva means the awakening of pure consciousness, however, our present state of purification governs largely how much we are able to achieve and receive on this night. 

It is recommended to be very receptive, to make oneself very receptive for that day, then your own experience will give you the realisation, the knowledge…

There is no end to Shiva and what Shiva has created and given to mankind, all knowledge has it’s essence in Shiva, to worship Shiva means to come to the source of everything. When you come to the source of everything naturally everything else is left aside or cast away, so this Shivaratri is here to help us become more free. 

Om tryambakaṃ yajāmahe sugandhiṃ pushtivardhanam ǀ
urvārukamiva bandhanān mrityormukshīya mā'mratāt ǁ

My adoration to the three eyed God Shiva, who is omnipresent.  May He bless us and nature with health. May His blessings free us and lead us to immortality.

Saturday 23 January 2016

Rudraksha is a seed of consciousness

Rudraksha is a seed of consciousness


The Rudraksha seed is a blessing to keep and wear because of it’s powerful vibration which protects against all kinds of negative influences and energy. It also protects against environmental factors and the stress emitted from modern technology by creating a shield around the wearer.

It keeps the bodies bioenergy in balance and harmonises the environment around oneself or in the place the seeds are kept. It has been revealed to effect up to 100 metres around, protecting the wearer and environment from all kinds of negative energy. This radiance of protective energy is particularly felt at home or where you mostly keep the Rudraksha. 

You will notice a sense of peace and after some time, less disturbances within your environment, this is extremely beneficial for meditation, study and areas needing great focus or concentration. Ideally Rudraksha is worn at all times or kept close to the skin, it is a sacred seed that emits a potent protective energy, enabling the wearer to achieve their greater potential. 


Rudraksha is used for meditation and is the only seed which absorbs all positive energy, storing and thus magnifying it over time. We use the Rudraksha in the right hand, and repeat one mantra per bead, implanting in the seed the vibration of liberation which is then kept with us (through the beads) at all times regardless of where our thoughts may dwell.

The longer it’s worn and used for meditation (to repeat mantra) the more powerful it becomes, constantly emitting a positive and pure vibration that settles the energy of any different environment and neutralising the thoughts of others. After some time one feels that something is missing when not worn.


Generally the different planetary constellations have an effect on the emotions of each individual. It is not unusual for doctors to say the full moon nights are an extremely busy time in emergency and they dread a full moon on a weekend or holiday because so many patients are brought in. For a spiritual person this can work in their favour if managed in the right direction, offering greater possibilities for spiritual evolution and transformation. 

There are several subtle yet powerful influences that govern our lives that we may or may not be aware of, yet looking back we can see there have been several instances where we lost control of our emotions and reactions in certain circumstances. When our emotions run rampant we are privy to unfavourable outcomes. To harmonise the energy within oneself, and protect against the changeable nature of the world and universe Yogis have always encouraged the use and wearing of Rudraksha. 

Wearing Rudraksha gradually releases oneself from the fluctuating emotions and protects against psychic disturbances, to be gifted a Rudraksha is a great blessing and sign of good luck. 

Thursday 7 January 2016

Honouring the Divine Mother

ODE to THE DIVINE MOTHER During Navatri Celebrations 

This translation of a poetic song, in spiritual language (Bhajan) is glorifying the Divine Mother, it was given by Swamiji during Navaratri, the ancient festival worshiping the Divine mother that lasts for 9 days and takes place twice per year.  A devotee sang this beautiful ode of divinity to the Holy Mother, inspiring Swamiji to give its translation. 

To listen to kirtans and bhajans is to receive their nourishment and imbibe a deep peace, a belongingness that can at times overwhelm us. When we seek to take that experience and live it in our daily lives, an understanding of what we are singing is valuable. 


SWAMIJI WAS SITTING back he appeared to enjoy the atmosphere in this small hut perched high almost as among the stars, the occasion was the eighth day of Navaratri, or Durga Ashtami. As we breathed and sung in the mountain air, absorbing the beauty of all that surrounded us Swamiji spoke; “These last 9 days were the days of the universal Shakti, the Divine Mother, which in the Upanishas is said, Matri Devo Bhava, the first God is Mother.

In the Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna says “time to time I manifest in this world through my Yog Maya”, through the divine Shakti so in India we celebrate the glory of the divine mother four times per year, there are two Navaratris which are celebrated in physical form and there are two, known as Gupta Navaratri which are celebrated in the astral form. Whenever an incarnation comes into this world we first adore and worship the Divine mother who gave birth to such a divine soul. 

Devotees of the Holy Mother fast for the nine days of the festival, the mother is the very embodiment of mercy, love, devotion, humbleness and kindness. This bhajan is like a prayer, an ode to the mother and praise to her through whom such a divine light is born. 

Jaya Matesvari Jaya Devi Chandan
Jaya Mahalakshmi Jaya Devi Chandan
Visva Dipa Jyoti Ghara Tere Nandan

Jai means victory, praise be the Lord as mother, God as mother, 
Oh goddess who is also known as maha Lakshmi the great goddess of wealth, 
Victory, glory to thee, you are great 

Dhanya Dip Prabhu Dhanya Matesvari
Teri Sumarana Se Hoya Dukha Bhanjan

Protector, oh divine mother, thanks to you, adoration to you, oh divine mother when we remember and meditate on you and offer our prayers to you all our troubles are removed, we become free from all our sufferings 

Risi Muni Avatara Jape Nita
Teri Kripa Se Kate Jaga Bandan

Rishis are the sages, the hermits, and Muni’s are yogis, Avatara is the incarnation of God and all of them repeat, with great adoration, the name of the cosmic mother, oh holy mother only through your mercy we may become free from the bondage of this mortal world 

Mujha Para Meher Karo Meri Maiya 
Darshana Deya Haro Bhava Bandan

Please be merciful to me, oh my divine mother, appear to me and remove all my bondage in this world 

Sri Dipa Jyoti Hai Apaka nandan 
Bala Mukanda Jagat Sukha Kandan

This divine flame, the incarnation is your beloved son and he is like a Krishna who is giving to this world the blessings, happiness, and divine light 

Madhavanda Par Najara Niharo 
Mere Pap Ka Pahara Karo Saba Khandan

The author of the Bhajan, Madhavananda is saying, my lord, my divine mother have your merciful look upon me, look to me in kindness, bless me with your mercy, if I have any sin or any mistakes in my life oh divine mother please destroy it so that I feel worthy to come to thee”.

Translated by Vishwaguru Mahamandelshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda Puriji