Sunday, 20 December 2015

MANTRA - what to repeat? As a Source of Power & Achievement

We often think of Mantra as a kind of ritual practice that offers a particular benefit we can't quite quantify, but when correctly practiced with dedication and faith we soon find out the benefits are indeed very tangible.
Some of the benefits include greater clarity of mind, protection from negative thoughts which are the root cause of all our troubles in the world and clear perception of our connection with the omniscient power of the universe.
My intention is not to discuss mantra but to encourage it's practice, and thus allow it to reveal it's real benefits to you. My Guru always says 'tonnes of theory is equal to a gram of practice' so my only real motivation is to inspire you to practice....... and see the result. For many the most profound results are a sense of being protected. 
Normally we repeat one mantra repetition per bead, so that's 108 times by the time you complete one round of mala. There are 5 levels of mantra practice, and these steps help to learn and finally actualise the mantra within.
They are:
  • Likit; to write the mantra repeatedly
  • Bekhari; to chant the mantra in one's own melody
  • Upansu; to chant innerly, the lips may move but there is no outward sound
  • Mansik; Mentally repeating the mantra
  • Ajapa; The highest level, when the mantra repletion is spontaneous and quite constant  
The real success in mantra is when its spontaneous and constant, this means that no other thought is there, only the mantra, and this is indeed very powerful. 
A personal Mantra received from a Guru is the highest blessing, and a definite path to liberation, other MANTRAS You can use include:

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

This mantra helps to achieve wisdom and knowledge by praying to Ganesha to remove the obstacles and hinderances both internal and external that hinder success, he is also teh one who opens and reveals spiritual gifts in spiritual people. it is a very good idea to always start anything with remembrance and repetition of Ganesha mantra.

Om Namaha Shivaya

This mantra leads one beyond all types of suffering and afflictions to the realisation of the pure light of truth. It is a very powerful mantra and helps to free one from all fears. Shiva represents pure consciousness, truth and beauty. 

Om Prabhu Deep Niranjan Saba Dukha Bhanjan 

This mantra means; My adoration to the cosmic light, may my heart and entire being receive the divine light which purifies all my suffering, frees me from attachments and illumines my consciousness, may I merge and become one with the Universal Consciousness.

The vibration of each mantra when constantly repeated brings about the real understanding of it from within. Realisation of the mantra is when knower, knowledge and the object of that knowledge become ONE. Realisation can't be taught, it's imbibed and reflects the inner state, when we're ready it will happen. 

Monday, 14 December 2015

MUDRAS - and the balancing act of vitality in the body

Mudra Mosaic

These are just a few pictures of common mudras you practice every class

Mudras are positions held in Yoga practice, that re-balance the flow of vital energy in the body. They can be so effective in overcoming states of depression and anxiety and creating a sense of inner harmony that we should know more about, and use them during the week. You’ll find yourself in these positions during a Yoga in daily life class, but you may not be aware of how your deeply benefiting yourself.

I’m always newly amazed at how incredibly scientific the ancient Yogic science is, and how much good it does for the human psyche. Our only problem is that we tend to practice quickly, desiring physical health, and performing postures we like, more than those we need. While that’s a positive contribution in making us ‘feel good’ , It’s not the best way to heal deeply, and manifest our deeper soul wish, to achieve fulfilment.

Yes, It’s necessary to put yourself in the hands of a qualified, well experienced teacher to fully understand Yoga, and it’s depth. It’s a gradual process and what you’ll encounter is perhaps not what you expected, but what can most certainly help you immensely.

Since teaching in the city I’ve learnt that people don't want to ‘follow’, rather, they want the teacher to conform to what they think they need. And they’re quick to change teachers when they don't think they’re getting what they need. While that’s true for the most part of our lives, where were encouraged and even taught to be self-reliant and deeply independent. We must also, at some point be willing to surrender our perceived ideas of what we need, to those of someone who has more experience in something time has proven, we can benefit from immensely. It takes courage to surrender, because it involves trust.

A teacher can take you only so far as they have reached themselves, beyond that - if they’re a good teacher they’ll guide you further, if your fortunate and ready, to an enlightened Master. That’s the value of a Lineage - more on that another time. - Now back to mudras….

What you find in slowly down, and holding certain introverted postures and forming different positions of the hands is that all your inner systems re-energise, and re-balance. And with that your emotions and sense of identity realigns with your higher purpose. This enables you to pursue the real quest of human life, and remain on the path to your inner fulfilment, finding and living your purpose.

Who you ‘think’ you are is often the biggest obstacle to experiencing your true self, who you Really are.

Vishwaguruji always says, ‘to know who you are, you must first know, how you are’. We can only experience that by calming down, developing our self awareness, and surrendering in the moment to that teacher who helps us on the journey, that takes us within.




The seemingly arduous task of finding the answers within oneself for the solution to all our problems, dilemmas and misunderstandings isn’t quite so arduous after all, when we step back and see how our life is, allowing it to run it’s own course. Without paying attention to the real meaning of life we can get lost or rather pre-occupied with the demands of the day to day activities that are never ending. If we lack constant discernment we can easily get drawn into the multitude of activities that neither serve our inner wellbeing nor carry us to the destination that we were brought here to attain.


Although at times our spiritual path and spiritual discipline if we’ve been wise enough to step into it can seem tough, in reality it’s a great blessing and joy to be be granted with spiritual eyes that search for meaning beyond what’s visible in everyday life. Spiritual Life and material life are like two wings of the bird that help the soul soar towards God.

lao tzu quote


With true spiritual vision we learn the art of balancing our life by committing time each day for inner wellbeing and spiritual transformation, this ‘spirituality’ doesn't mean that we neglect our daily obligations, rather our ‘spirituality’ brings a whole new perspective into our life, this essence of understanding that ushers in balance, creativity and wisdom to go through all situations with grace and peace, remaining on purpose and in our hearts. This attitude keeps us calm and through calmness we contribute to world peace.

There are two things we must always remember, not to allow the commitments of life and the overwhelming demands to detract us or to take our attention into them so much so that we forget and have no time for our inner self and the second, not to see the inner spiritual work as arduous, painful or just another responsibility. Rather we are doing it in order to break the chains and be set free from our own mental limitations and conditioning.


Many come to me at a point where they are ready to give up, and I can understand them, sometimes it does feel like everything has become a bit much and the compromises seemingly made to remain on the spiritual path appear to conflict with the rest of what we imagine our life to be progressing toward! So the solution, we think is to commit less time to the spiritual life and avoid what’s believed to be the cause of the conflict, we avoid solving the problems that we have come up against. In truth, the reality and clarity we gain through our spirituality is what highlights the areas of conflict already in our life that need attention, we have received the opportunity and blessing to resolve it.



The sudden desire to give up whatever becomes difficult is a very common mistake in the western world, surrounded by our comforts its easy to think we don't deserve any hardships. Perhaps this is less common in some other parts, but it’s still very much the subconscious which tries to bury everything that reflects back to us our inner conflict. This propensity of ours to give up certainly does take us off the tracks we were on to our spiritual destination, and inevitably makes our life harder, not easier, because we avoid the necessary work that has to be done to set us free.

So when people ask, sometimes ready to ‘throw in the towel’ so to speak, I remind them that this problem has been there all along and this little extra pressure is just showing it up. Instead of blaming and avoiding why don't you take it as a blessing, using the torch light of spirituality to reveal areas where you need to correct your thinking and ideas. This is a chance where you can work through where you’ve gone astray and what you need to change in order to truly progress.


So the problem is not the spiritual path, it’s our attitude and misunderstanding about it’s purpose in our lives. Let us at least pause each time a new challenge presents itself, taking a deep breath to re-new again, re-new the courage we had in the beginning and our dedication to the purpose so that we may not sacrifice our spiritual wealth for a short term convenient solution. 

The sacrifice we make in giving up on our spiritual sadhana (practices) is not a sacrifice we should consider, we need a great deal of faith to continue and as Vishwaguruji says ‘the most crucial element for your development in every aspect of life is inner communication, the ability to understand what you are doing and why you are doing it, through this you will be able to overcome the most difficult life situations’.

yogi bhajan


Don't give up, don't give up, don't give up, don't give up your spiritual wealth for anything, don't give up your spiritual journey for anything, no matter how tempting, no matter how elusive something may seem. The only true wealth, which we have forever is what we gain through our spiritual devotion, faith, sadhana, meditation and belief in the divine. Create harmony, create understanding, mutual support and love in your hear for all, this clears obstacles out of the way.

Learn to feel happy because you are blessed with these eyes to see the spiritual light, feel yourself honoured that the Divine has chosen to give you such a vision that causes you to search for the real meaning of your life.


Give your Smile because your gift of love lights up this world, and keep going however your situation may look, however hard it may seem, however tired you are or how much you think you are loosing, for as long as you are on a true path to Self-Realisation with honest devotion there can never be any loss.


Wednesday, 9 December 2015

THE PROMISE OF YOGA - Attainable through the Right Practic

It’s wonderful that the physical practice of asanas is so widely recognised as being hugely beneficial for health, but to imagine we’ll achieve the success of true balance without practicing all aspects of Yoga will leave us, sooner or later wondering what went wrong.

The practice of asanas is like a single strand of hair on a healthy head. Asanas are a fantastically wonderful but small part of this vast science of human wellbeing, and were apt not to be forgiven for thinking they’re it! Many, many studios of ‘yoga’ claim the practice will give you what it ultimately should, ‘freedom from all limitations’ and ‘harmony for body, mind and soul,’ but the teachers themselves leave out so much out the ancient practice and forget the formative work a student must go through to truly achieve what’s being offered. 

Naturally, all practices of yoga lead to the transformation of our character, bringing out the better side of ourselves in every situation through awareness, and by adjusting our habits, ideals and expectations. To really cause an inner transformation the teacher must be capable, alert and grounded in their path to truly serve their students, their ability depends largely upon their dedication to the path. In Yoga this always means being connected to a lineage, we can think of it like a university, the lineage is those teachers that have passed down the sum total of the teachings, and whom we remain ever connected to. Learning different techniques and styles and putting them together according to our preference is not yoga at all. 


Yoga is vast, and of the four branches asanas fit into just one of them - Raja Yoga (the Royal path). The branches of selfless service (karma yoga) divine love (bhakti yoga) and knowledge (gyana yoga) don't even touch on the practice of asanas yet each part is an essential element in our development. 

Sequences of yoga postures are put together by Masters who have understood the energy systems and anatomy of the entire human system in a very deep way, the movements then cause an upward direction of vital energy, leading to releases which open the doors of achieving higher states of consciousness in everyday life. 

Even when practiced correctly it wont work if the student is not mentally prepared. This preparation takes the form of developing a certain quality to our lives which helps maintain the inner harmony and balance with all external forces. 

The quality of our life and the clarity of our consciousness is the naturalness with which we observe the Yamas and Niyamas. 


The Yamas (virtues) and Niyamas (more internal observances) help us understand how to adjust our behaviours in such a way that everything we do, think, and put effort into is for the highest good of our evolution. In effect, following these principles is deeply rewarding, both in our relationships with others and in our relationship with ourself. The amount of time saved when our relations are properly managed is phenomenal.

With the proper foundation, preparation and instruction we will achieve ‘freedom from limitations’ though Yoga. Most often our limitations are those we’ve imposed upon ourselves and haven’t understood how to release, proper yoga instruction gives us the way out. In time we become more gracious individuals and understand how important our life is to others, to ourselves and to nature. What we choose to do from then, is called living with purpose.

YOGA - All about Balance of the inner world

YOGA as it's Portrayed

Yoga is gravely misunderstood, we are taking just the very creamy surface layer off it to enjoy it. That’s if we think it suits us! The truth is Yoga is suitable for all because it’s a path of self-awakening, helping us to discover from the hidden aspects of our nature that we are striving to achieve, albeit often unconsciously. 

Yoga though, we often think is about being more fit, flexible calm and centered with the ability to do some quite advanced things! If we don’t think that’s likely to become a realistic description of ourselves, we tend to give up! What we’re really giving up on then is the possibility we see in ourselves, to be even more than we are now; and who wouldn’t want that? Why are we so obsessed with being everything now? Why don’t we give ourself room to grow and just accept there’s a journey to take us there? And that journey is part of the fun, that’s called Yoga.

YOGA as it's Intended

When Yogi’s talk about Yoga, what they’re really saying is that this path will make you a complete person, a conscious person, who is responsible, someone who takes care of themselves, and shows others how to do the same, by being an example. The Yoga path is about understanding our weaknesses along with our strengths so that we can overcome them and get even stronger. We need an inherent strength to go on and not to fall down. So identifying exactly where we are and what challenges we are facing, in an open and honest manner to oneself first of all, is an imperative part of the journey. 

I see too many people who want it all to be alright. Who think they should be all they want to be now and inevitably it’s those people who give up; not on Yoga, but on themselves. Yoga is the path to make you whole. The physical practice and the concentration is just a part. It’s the part we start with, to get our head right, to get us in the right frame of mind to do the harder work. Without the right attitude and the right physical (or rather inner) strength and focus, we will soon lose the force to continue. 

lee standing
Yoga as Possibility 

This is not fancy talk and it’s not just for some, it’s for all of us who know we’re here to grow. Life is the opportunity placed before us, through which the experiences we have, take us closer to our goal. The goal is complete self-knowledge, self-realisation, knowing who ‘I am’. If we ask ourself that question honestly, “who am I?”, we may not be able to offer a very clear answer at all. Yet, that’s where each of us is going, to that goal, knowingly or unknowingly, were here to make progress. Then we must honestly see ‘what else i’m wasting my time on?’. Once you know that’s the purpose (self-understading or self-actualisation), then you begin to evaluate how much time you should give it.

And this is where physical Yoga comes in. Hatha Yoga, is the balancing principle of practice. Hatha Yoga means recognising that there are two forces within each one of us; Sun and moon, good and bad, energy and lethargy and we all know the list goes on. Our job is to balance the two polarities, recognising each force as within ourselves. This is sometimes called the journey inward. What we’re really saying is that all you think is outside of you is actually within and that’s, therefore, the only place you need to look.

2015-07-31 20.31.28

Yoga offers Solutions 

To fix all your problems in the world you only need to spend time each day looking within and looking at your own balance, your own forces. To see how much dominance one has over the other. That’s why no-one has ever been able to fix you - only you can balance yourself by recognising within yourself what is out of balance. This is where relaxation enters. Making time to clear the unnecessary worry and incessant thinking out of the way so that reality can be seen. What we normally see is all the stress we are facing, all the things that have been blocking us and limiting our ability to progress forward. It’s through relaxation that we remove those ‘stressors’ out of the way and in doing so become conscious of how they came about thus eliminating the need for them to appear again. 

When we practice Asanas and move freely, our bodies start to pump. In Yoga practice, a proper practice, each and every part of the body, all the organs and every single system will get a workout - this is why it’s a science. This is why it is a masterpiece and this is why it’s so valuable. No other physical movement system is so completely balanced that you create a perfectly working, oiled machine. This is why it’s so effective in treating many, many illnesses.  

YOGA is Completion 

Yoga is a path of complete and utter self-understanding. Surrendering, as it were, to the forces within that govern our lives knowingly and unknowingly. For the forces that inhibit and limit, how do we get rid of them? By freeing ourselves of them. By understanding where they come from within our psyche and by acknowledging our own responsibility for them being there and then clearing them out of the way. This is because they no longer serve the purpose they once did. So how do we do that? Through Yoga. Through the many, varied, but all ancient techniques, with a qualified teacher who can show you the way. Is a Master important? Essential - so we can confidently walk the path to our own self.